Concerns About Dental Implants - Pleasanton, CA

Concerns About Dental Implants - Pleasanton, CA

Posted by Infinite Smile Dental Sep 16, 2024

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By Dr. Kimberly Kau, DDS | Infinite Smile Dental  

Here are the most common concerns when considering dental implants and how we can address these concerns.


Concern—Dental implants are expensive, often costing more than other tooth replacement options.

Resolution—Dental implants might cost more upfront than other tooth replacement options, but it’s worth considering their long-term advantages. Dental implants provide exceptional durability and function by closely replicating natural teeth, offering a long-term solution that preserves jawbone density and supports overall oral health. In contrast, more affordable options like dentures and bridges often demand continuous maintenance, which can impact adjacent teeth and generally do not deliver the same degree of stability and comfort. 

Do your own research and talk to my office manager about financing options. We can present financial options or provide third-party financing alternatives. Also, check to see if your dental insurance can cover some of the costs or if your flexible spending account (FSA) can be used.


Concern—Implants involve surgery, which can be daunting and could cause discomfort, swelling, or bleeding.

Resolution—I am a qualified and experienced implant dentist. We can offer anti-anxiety medication to reduce discomfort and nervousness during the procedure. Follow my post-operative care instructions carefully to manage pain and reduce any swelling.

Comparison Between Implant, Bridge,
and Dentures When Replacing Missing Teeth

Infinite Smile Dental Inc.
Infinite Smile Dental Inc.

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